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Blankets: Introduction

Updated: Jun 3, 2023

Hello friends! This month's read will be a graphic novel, Blankets by Craig Thompson.

“Blankets is the story of a young man coming of age and finding the confidence to express his creative voice. Craig Thompson's poignant graphic memoir plays out against the backdrop of a Midwestern winterscape: finely-hewn linework draws together a portrait of small town life, a rigorously fundamentalist Christian childhood, and a lonely, emotionally mixed-up adolescence.

Under an engulfing blanket of snow, Craig and Raina fall in love at winter church camp, revealing to one another their struggles with faith and their dreams of escape. Over time though, their personal demons resurface and their relationship falls apart. It's a universal story, and Thompson's vibrant brushstrokes and unique page designs make the familiar heartbreaking all over again.” -- Summary from

Pre-read thoughts:

Michaela: I have never read a graphic novel so I’m very excited to read something that will be completely new to me. Blankets looks like it will have some aspects that I will be able to relate to such as taking place in Christian Midwestern small town, I grew up in that environment. From what I’ve seen of the art so far it looks gorgeous. I’m interested to see how the art lends itself to serious topics of childhood traumas and adulthood experiences.

Jacilyn: Blankets isn’t the first graphic novel I’ve read, nor the first autobiographical graphic novel even, but what makes this a first for me is the art style. Reading a graphic novel is a different experience, because you’re also absorbing the illustration, all of which is just as, if not more, important than the text. I’m particularly excited to read this during the middle of winter, since the cover art evokes such a cozy wintery feeling.


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