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  • Writer's pictureShelf Explored

Come, sit down, get to know us.....

Hello readers, and welcome to the newly minted Shelf Explored Book Club! We would like to start this adventure by introducing ourselves and this space that we have created. Our names are Jacilyn (she/her) and Michaela (she/her). We’ve been best friends for the last decade, ever since meeting during sophomore year of high school. Our mutual love of literature has been an integral part of our friendship over the years. We’ve always discussed our desire to broaden our horizons when it comes to the books we choose but, of course, it is so easy to fall back onto the same ol’ same ol’ when you’re overwhelmed by all the options. We decided to create this space in the hopes of encouraging one another to read more critically, step outside of our literary comfort zones, and foster a community that is open, ready for discussion, and ready to explore!


“So, what even IS Shelf Explored Book Club?” you ask?

We are similar to a traditional book club, in that we will read the same book and discuss it together. However, we are doing things a bit differently than you might be used to. The first thing to note is that we will be discussing at least three times a month, to give us the opportunity to discuss in a more in-depth manner. Additionally, we are entirely virtual. Our discussions will be published as blog posts, but the discussion doesn’t end with us. For each of our discussions, you’ll have the opportunity to add your own thoughts in the comments. Have a differing opinion on a character’s motivations than we do? Tell us in the comments! Was there something we didn’t cover that you want to discuss? Tell us in the comments! Even if you just agree with what we’ve said, we would love for you to let us know in the comments. We truly want this to be an opportunity to share differing perspectives and a communal love of literature. In addition to book discussions, you can also look forward to other book-ish content published both here and on our Instagram @shelfexploredbookclub.

If you’re interested in joining the discussion, or even just observing for a while to see what we’re all about, sign up for the Shelf Explored Book Club Monthly Newsletter. The newsletter will include the book of the month, discussion dates, and more!

We’re happy to have you here! If you have any book suggestions, or just want to say hello, head on over to the Contact tab and hit us up.

Your friends,

Jacilyn and Michaela


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