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FBAA: Discussion #2

This week we are discussing From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout, Ch. 10-21.

Content Warning!!! This book contains situations and subjects related to: sexual assault, murder, torture, death, kidnapping, imprisonment, war themes, slavery, animal death, blood drinking, blood and gore descriptions, physical, psychological & emotional abuse, gaslighting, suicide mentioned, descriptions of dead bodies, and other adult themes.

Spoiler Warning!!! This post is full of spoilers for From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L. Armentrout.


Michaela: Hello friends and welcome to our second discussion of From Blood and Ash. Things are starting to pick up just a little bit in this second section. Hawke has become Poppy’s new guard, Poppy’s powers seem to be evolving, we had a craven attack on the city, a Descenter proclaimed his belief at a public gathering, and Poppy learns that the first Maiden was killed by the Dark One. First off, Hawke becoming the new personal guard isn’t surprising considering we have to continue that love story of course but it is a little weird to have a new arrival to this city guard go so high up in the ranks so fast. I’m interested to learn more about that because it could fall on the wrong side of suspicion I think.

Jacilyn: Once Hawke becomes Poppy’s new guard, it gets to be my favorite part of this book. I love the way he treats Poppy - like she’s just a regular person. He even says he hates talking to her veil. He sees her as the person she is, not as the Maiden. I love their banter. They bicker and make little jokes. It’s one of my favorite romance dynamics. Plus, Poppy being the Maiden makes this the PERFECT slow burn set up. JLA sparks the sexual tension in the first chapter and it just keeps building from there. So good.

This section is also where we get to see more of Poppy’s battle ability. I love that she feels such a need to protect herself and the city, and her motivations behind that need make a lot of sense to me. This poor girl has had so very little control over her own life or destiny thus far. The craven attack when she was a child, that killed her parents and scarred and traumatized her. Being the Maiden, veiled at 8 years old. Not allowed to experience touch from more than a very few people, or even conversation. It’s no wonder she wants to be on the rise, doing her part in taking down the craven.

Michaela: I love the relationship between Hawke and Poppy. He really cares about Poppy and not the Maiden, while Poppy has a few friends who do care for her, her Maidenness will still always come first to them. I love how Hawke points out how abnormal her life and experiences are, it’s like she knows it but doesn’t see it for how it truly is until he says something. She needs that outside perspective. Also this slow burn is amazing and also killing me inside, I live for a slow burn, especially when banter and protectiveness is involved.

Poppy definitely showed how badass and talented she is during the craven attack, if only she’d channel that power elsewhere too, even if it’s still behind the scenes. I desperately want her to break free of this disgusting maiden bullshit, it’s so gross. Being pure and virginity are social constructs, they’re not real. But also if these “gods” are “blessing” all these Ascended with this new version of life, then they shouldn’t be giving any thought to Poppy’s “pure-ness”. All these Ascended people are crooked through and through. I’m patiently waiting for the human take out delivery, which I am even more sure is real based on Tawny’s description of this party coming up. These Ascended apparently become more wild and sensual after all these kids are brought in and taken away by the priests and priestesses. Tell me that’s not fucking suspicious and predatory behavior.

Going back to Poppy’s badassery though. I really want to see what her powers are doing and I’m really excited to see how she can use them to her advantage. My guess is she’ll eventually be able to feel any emotion and possibly affect emotions around her. The fact that the Duchess was seemingly relieved Poppy couldn’t sense her emotions, add that to my list of fucked up things an Ascended has done. I think the Duchess is terrified that Poppy might be able to read them, because that means the end of their facade. I mean at this point I think everything this Descenter guy at the gathering said is very real, his methods are extreme, clearly, but his thinking feels spot on.

Jacilyn: You know what we haven’t talked about, yet? The fact that Poppy could taste the emotions from the blonde man. With physical and emotional pain, she just feels it as hot or cold, so the taste aspect is another way that her gift is changing and maturing. The thought of being able to sense pain from people all around you, every day… until you’re around an Ascended, who you can’t feel anything from? That gives me such a sense of discomfort to imagine. Like Poppy says at the end of the last section, the Ascended aren’t mortal anymore. They’re not truly human.

Another part of the Ascended that gives me the ick is the fact that they don’t do shit to help when there are craven attacks, even though they would be much more likely to survive against them AND do more damage. It’s not like the craven attacks tend to happen during the daylight, so they can’t even use that as an excuse. All of these iffy things about the Ascended, coupled with their “we exist in the image of the gods” bullshit equals a giant reg flag waving in the wind.

I am also very suspicious of how secretive the Ascended are about the first Maiden. Jacinda tells Poppy that the first Maiden was killed by the Dark One, which I suppose makes sense considering the Dark One seems to be after Poppy also. But if her death could be used as a cautionary tale in reminding Poppy how dangerous the Dark One is… why aren’t the royals using that to their advantage? What is so worth hiding that they aren’t even willing to use it as a way of manipulating Poppy’s behavior like they do with everything else.

Michaela: I could not stand to be that self aware of my own emotions, let alone be that aware of others emotions. No thank you. I love the concept of tasting emotions though, I love different representations of synesthesia. I’ve known a couple people who had synesthesia and watched videos of some online as well, it fascinates me. Poppy tasting the emotions reminds me of a woman I follow on social media who runs a tea business where her flavor combinations are based on her synesthesia, so freaking cool. I’m really looking forward to Poppy’s power developing, though I hope it’s not going to turn into something too painful or dangerous for herself. I want her to get control over it fast enough that she doesn't have to suffer or anything, though I doubt it’ll be that way.

The Ascended never speaking of the fist Maiden is so weird and suspicious. Also, the Duke punishing Poppy constantly for whatever the first Maiden did or didn’t do, makes it even creepier than it already is. I feel like maybe she wasn’t actually killed by the Dark One, but maybe left willingly with him or something. I don’t know what to think quite yet, but I’m leaning towards the Dark One not being this big bad the Ascended want us to believe. This “time of unrest” is getting spicy and I’m so ready for some upheaval of these Ascended thrones.

Speaking of the Duke, him wanting to finish off this Descenter himself, we’re just racking up the creep points with this dude. I really hope Poppy isn’t punished for Hawke defending her against the Priestess. Who, if I do say so myself, is a fucking bitch on a power trip. She needs a good slap herself after treating Poppy like this for years. But Hawke standing in the way of that, ooooo that’s them good tingles. I love that dynamic in a romance and in a friendship too. This book better not be leading me down a false road with Hawke because my heart may not actually be able to take it, he’s hitting all my marks.

Jacilyn: I must say, Poppy sneaking out to get her hands on a smutty book just speaks to my soul. I am an unashamed lover of smut, and I would totally buy a copy if JLA released The Diary of Miss Willa Collyns as an actual book, along the same lines of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them being made into a real book. The whole scene of Poppy getting stuck out on that ledge would have been a lot funnier if the Duke wasn’t the one in that room, talking about killing a Descenter himself. The fact that Poppy was surprised to hear that kind of makes me roll my eyes, though. Open your peepers, girl, things aren’t all that they seem.

Well friends, that is it for this week’s discussion of From Blood and Ash. We’ll see you back here next week for discussion three of four!


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