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Iron Widow: Final Thoughts *Spoiler Free*

Now that we have finished reading Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao and taken the time to let it all sink in, we’re going to share our final thoughts on the book as a whole. Our goal is not to review the book, per se, but we will be sharing what we liked and disliked.

Content Warning!!! This book contains situations and subjects related to: toxic parental relationship, violence, torture, misogyny/sexism, attempted sexual assault, rape (mentioned/off-page).

Spoiler Warning!!! hhis post is our general opinions about this book, not a professional review, and contains no spoilers for  Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao.

Final Thoughts:

This book definitely takes the spot as one of our favorites of this year thus far, and Jacilyn expects it to hold her 1st place spot as the year progresses. Iron Widow touches on the same feminine rage that When Women Were Dragons did, with a fantasy/dystopian/sci-fi flavor to it. Michaela felt this book combined some of her favorite story elements with similar writing to some of her favorite authors, and was all around right up her alley despite being less comfortable with the sci-fi genre. The characters are flawed, but that only serves to make them more appealing and worth rooting for. We quickly fell for the main characters and their relationships with each other. The final sentence blew our minds and gave us chills. It has us anxiously awaiting Heavenly Tyrant. This was a fabulous book!


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