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Payback's a Witch: Discussion #2

This week we are discussing Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper, Ch. 12-22.

Content Warning!!!This book contains situations and subjects related to: sex, magic, sexism, cheating, and loss of autonomy (possession).

Spoiler Warning!!! This post is full of spoilers for Payback's a Witch by Lana Harper.


Michaela: Hello friends and welcome to our second discussion of Payback’s a Witch by Lana Harper. In this section things ramped up a little in the romance area and in the gauntlet area. But I think most of this part was Emmy having this internal war almost. Emmy is realizing and starting to accept that she still loves being in Thistle Grove but also loves her life in Chicago. If you’ve ever moved away from home, I think you could relate to Emmy on some level. I’ve moved a bunch of times but every place I’ve lived has that nostalgic feel that Emmy is feeling. But mostly where my parents still live and where I went to high school still has a weird pull even though the reasons I moved away are still valid. I really appreciate that this book has captured the complexity of wanting to grow, leave, visit, or even return to somewhere. I was not expecting that kind of deep emotion jerker in this book!

Jacilyn: I’m enjoying the emotional battle that Emmy is experiencing. I think she convinced herself that she couldn’t be happy in Thistle Grove ever again. Not just because of what happened with Gareth, but also because of the weight of being the Harlow scion. She seems to look at this entire internal conflict in a black and white mindset, and in doing so has lost a part of her, quite literally. The conversation she had with Linden is another example of that, with her belief that not living near Linden was going to inevitably result in them becoming more distant and eventually losing the friendship entirely. What’s interesting to me is that she seems to have convinced herself that she was totally okay with that, when clearly that’s not the case. I’m also glad that Emmy is finally realizing that she never really thought about how her behavior would make those who love her feel. Growing distant from a friend is a really awful experience, particularly when you’ve tried to make an effort and received absolutely none from the other party. Both of us here have been there, done that. Emmy honestly treated Linden and her parents pretty shittily, so it’s good to see her acknowledge that and try to change.

Nana Caro is such a great character. I think Emmy relates to her more than anyone else in her family, and clearly Nana knows Emmy well. I hadn’t even considered the fact that Emmy might not actually love her shorter hair, that she made the decision because she yet again felt that she had to to divorce herself from Thistle Grove and Gareth. Honestly it makes me sad as we read about Emmy falling back in love with the town and her friends and realizing what she’s missed out on.

Michaela: Emmy took anything Gareth said at the end of that summer way way too hard. She’s not wrong for having feelings about it but completely cutting herself off from her home, family, and friends was the worst thing she could do. She pushed away literally everyone who would have been there for her if only she had said something. I’m glad that Emmy’s mom acknowledges that she knew something happened and should have said something before letting Emmy isolate herself. While I think it’s Emmy’s responsibility to have asked for advice and counsel, it was also the responsibility of her loved ones who did know something was wrong. You can’t change what someone is struggling with but trying to help them is the best we can do, and I think Emmy’s mom dropped the ball a little there but it makes sense how it all snowballed too. Life is complicated and this book is doing a good job of showing that.

I really love Nana Caro, she kind of just says it how it is. She’s not rude but she doesn’t tip toe around stuff either, and that is something I respect. Emmy is really struggling and Nana Caro is the one to say not everything falls in this black and white mentality Emmy has convinced herself into. And pointing out her hair change, I hadn’t considered her feelings about that either. But we can do a lot to convince ourselves into feeling some type of way. I think in the same but opposite end of this spectrum is Talia, she’s fully convinced herself she couldn’t handle leaving her family or the magic of Thistle Grove for even a short amount of time. I think a lot of these characters would benefit from some good life balance. I think Nana Caro has found that because she does all of what she does for herself and for no one else. She’s always there for her loved ones but she never denies herself her own fun and boundaries.

Jacilyn: Speaking of Talia, the sexual tension between her and Emmy continues to build and I am loving it. I also love the little glimpses we’re seeing of Talia’s whole personality. The empathetic and nurturing way she interacts with the spirits in the woods was so touching that I actually teared up a bit. I think it’s so interesting that each founding family has different affinities and dynamics, and the Avramovs are fascinating. They seem incredibly close but there’s also a formality to some of their interactions. Like the way that Talia refers to her mom as Elena often, instead of “mom.” One of my favorite aspects of books that contain romantic elements is the way that each party begins to recognize the other’s tells so easily after some time. They become tuned in to each other, and I think Talia and Emmy are definitely getting to that point. I can’t wait for them to finally have some uninterrupted time together!

On the subject of the Avramovs - can we talk about the Dread Lady??? What. A. Badass. I absolutely loved the seance chapter. I thought it was cute that the Dread Lady referred to Talia fondly as “dreadful child.” I get such Addams family vibes from the Avramovs, but with a twist.

Michaela: I’m loving their dynamic right now. It's sexy while also being really cute and lovely. I think they can learn a lot from each other. I’m interested to know about this Jessica that Talia is so flighty about. Clearly something intense happened and I feel like it’s going to be a similar thing to how Emmy felt after Gareth. Also, very ready for their relationship to get past this being interrupted stage!

I love the Addams family-ness of the Avramovs, fills me with joy. The Dread Lady was so cool, all of the Avramovs powers are crazy interesting. I would read a whole book about that family alone. I thought we’d learn more from the Dread Lady though, I was hoping for a moment of clarity on her part where she realized the Blackmoore’s have been rigging the system for hundreds of years. I want all the original four founders to come back and do something. I definitely feel like we’re missing some vital information involving magic distribution and the founders, particularly Elias Harlow’s part in it all. It’s been glossed over in the history tomes and by the Dread Lady. What are we missing?! I think this last section is going to get intense in more than one way.

Jacilyn: I agree! Now that Gareth has won the second gauntlet challenge and the Dread Lady has not-so-subtly told Talia and Emmy that they can beat him by having both Talia and Rowan win the next round together, I can’t imagine it will be quite that easy to take the Blackmoores down a notch. I gotta say, I cannot wait to watch them (hopefully) fall.

Well, friends, that’s it for this discussion. We’ll be back next week with our final one!


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