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Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry: Discussion #3

This week we are discussing The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner, Ch. 11-15.

Spoiler Warning!!! This post is full of spoilers for The Ruthless Lady's Guide to Wizardry by C.M. Waggoner.

Trigger/Content Warning!!! This book has scenes and discussion of such themes as: drug addiction, drug use, alcoholism, blood, vomit, violence, gore elements, and death.


Jacilyn: Hello friends and welcome to our third discussion of The Ruthless Lady’s Guide to Wizardry. The drama is ramping up now, complete with attempted kidnappings and drugs! Rat reminds me of bogart Professor Snape, wearing Neville’s grandma’s clothes - instead of a stuffed vulture hat, we have cherries on cherries on cherries. Questionable fashion aside, Rat got Delly her connection to the Kind Companions fairly quickly (obviously, much to Dok and Mrs. Totham’s dismay).

Michaela: I totally see the bogart vision with Rat. She sounds both smarmy and great at the same time. I’m here for her style, she owns it! Always a sucker for weird hats, honestly. I was glad for the story to get a little jump start there. It’s interesting that the Kind Companions use children as messengers and delivery workers. They clearly have a lot of questionable morals beyond selling dirty drugs. Which after learning that they’re clanners…let’s just say I’m not surprised at their questionable morals. I’m afraid that Miss Dok’s friendship with these clanners is going to get in the way at some point. Also, Miss Dok and Mrs. Totham are both just pissing me off. Dok was getting likable but then she’ll do or say something that is just not okay. Then Mrs. Totham is a little too willing to just throw Delly’s mom under the drip bus when she knows how Delly feels about it and she is fully aware of Marvie’s addiction struggle.

Jacilyn: I also have my suspicions that Dok’s friendship with these other clanners is going to cause some trouble. She had a really hard time with Ainette’s betrayal, and seems to be hesitant in believing that Clairelle might be involved with the Kind Companions. And I agree with you, both Dok and Mrs. Totham will start growing on me and acting like they truly consider Delly a friend, and then they go and do something in the opposite of her interests. Asking her to test the drip was absolutely awful, and to bring Marvie into it was even worse. I really don’t blame Delly for her reaction, I would not have been able to watch my own mother shoot up, no matter what the reason. There’s a lot that could be said about Delly’s relationship with Marvie, but I’ll keep it simple; I know how it feels to be in Delly’s shoes and it’s a pain that cuts in a way nothing else can.

On a positive note, I’m in full adoration of Winn and Delly’s relationship. They both know each other’s cues and mannerisms so well already and it brings me so much joy. Winn was definitely right about teaching Delly some defenses against knives and guns, considering they were followed and attacked shortly thereafter. And of course, our lovely Winn, stopped their spicy makeout sesh from going any further not out of concern for herself or even following “regulation hammerball” rules - she stopped because she never wants Delly to think she’s being taken advantage of. As Delly falls more and more in love, she’s seeing Winn as more and more extraordinary and it’s beautiful.

Michaela: So far, I think this book has shown a good representation of falling in love. Obviously this is an extraordinary experience and it's much quicker than most relationships but I can relate to a lot of the descriptions of Delly’s confusions and choices. Delly’s perception of Winn has been changing and I absolutely love it. Winn is just the nicest, sweetest person in the universe. She is so respectful of Delly and truly listens and cares about her and her problems. But she’s also still willing and confident in their connection to admit she disagrees with Delly sometimes too.

Then when Delly was taken by ‘Mittens’ she knew and trusted Winn so much that she could tell she wasn’t actually sleeping. She knew Winn would help in some way. I’m just really enjoying their relationship. I feel like many fantasy novels like to speed through a relationship either physically or emotionally to the point of absolute trust and ‘in love’. But this book is taking it’s time in a respectful way to the characters and a more realistic way despite the fantasy side of it and I appreciate it.

Jacilyn: I agree with you, the pacing of their relationship (even though Delly was trying to fast track it) is much more realistic. They clearly had an immediate attraction to each other, and they seem to fit together well. I want them to end up going on vacations together to see pretty birds in warm, wet places, and for Delly to meet Winn’s father. I just want all the best for them. And, side note - Sir Mittens of Monsatelle is perhaps one of my favorite running jokes in this book. I truly hope that Winn and Delly keep sprinkling those references in along the way.

This story seems to kind of set up what’s going to happen next pretty clearly for us, at least as far as things like Ainette being behind the attempts on her sister’s life, and Miss Cat aka Clairelle being involved with the Kind Companions. I thought the description of Miss Cat’s illusion was fascinating, and just reinforced that I’d love to see this story played out in film. I definitely don’t trust her and I feel like, as Delly is sensing, they’ve ended up way over their heads with this whole situation. Some ruthless ladies and their undead mouse, causing mischief and searching for justice (and money).

Michaela: Sir Mittens of Monsatelle is a great joke in this book. That will definitely stick with me after this book because it was actually really funny, probably the only thing I’ve laughed out loud at from this book. The interrogation scene was just so funny; Delly and Winn bounced off each other so well, I love a good back and forth like that, it’s such a great way to show a relationship.

Miss Cat’s illusion magic was so cool, I wish there was more about the magic in this universe because it’s so intriguing and complex. Buttons is my favorite bit of magic in this whole book. I know he’s supposed to be creepy and unsettling but I just love him! We’ve gotten some new developments about him, most notably he is apparently the reincarnation of a wizard. Fascinating! Why? Why did Mrs. Totham’s magic create Buttons in the first place? But also why was it the wizard and not her daughter? I want to know the thingsssss! Buttons also can now back different noises like a babbling brook and his eyes glow now. He’s got such an expressive personality as a character despite not being able to speak or show emotions like the women do. He’s my favorite part of this story, clearly. What can I say, I’m obsessed!

This book is really moving forward now, can’t wait to read the conclusion to this tale. I’m hoping for an exciting end and a happy one, hopefully. This book has a weird combination of having a lot happen while also not having a lot happen so it’s been hard to do full discussions on for me. I’m looking forward to finishing this book to see the conclusion, I’m just a little torn on this one. Well I believe that will be it for us today friends! Happy reading!


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