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The Flatshare: Discussion #3

This week we are discussing The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary, Ch. 49-End.

Trigger Warning!!! This book contains situations and subjects related to: mental/emotional abuse, violence, and stalking.

Spoiler Warning!!! This post is full of spoilers for The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary.


Michaela: Hello friends and welcome to our final discussion of The Flatshare by Beth O’Leary. Let me just say, this book was amazing. It truly went above and beyond what I was expecting to come from this book. It just sucked me in and never let go.

This last section of the book starts off right after Justin’s interruption of Leon and Tiffy’s night together. He is a terrifying character, and unfortunately a very real representation of someone who does these kinds of things. I think Leon handled himself so well, kept calm and firm and never told Justin that Tiffy was there. Leon fully understands how dangerous he is to Tiffy.

Jacilyn: It broke my heart that Tiffy thought she was being unreasonable in her reaction to something so horrible and violating. She thought he could have been coming in at any minute, how could she NOT be terrified? Leon did a really great job comforting her, and reassuring her that she was being entirely reasonable and frankly brave in her reaction to what happened. I bet it took a lot for him to share with Tiffy that his mom was a victim of emotional abuse by boyfriends all his life, but it’s important for her to know that she’s not alone and he understands why it all happens. It was a very touching moment. He did a really great job at comforting her after her flashback at the castle, too - I love that it only took him seconds to notice, and he asked her if she wanted space or if she wanted touch, no judgment. Just ready to give her what she needs.

This conversation between Leon and his mom, after she’s met Tiffy, was all too real to me.

“Mam: Leon, I’m sure your Tiffy’s nothing like me.

Me: What?

Man: You were always a sweetheart about it,not like Richie with all his screaming and running off and all, but I know you hated the men I dated. I mean, I hated them, too, but you hated them right from the start. I know I set a…. I know I set a terrible example.

I feel deeply, profoundly uncomfortable.

Me: Mam, it’s fine.

Mam: I really am getting sorted now, Lee.

Me: I know. And it wasn’t your fault.

Mam: You know, I think I nearly believe that?

Pause. Think.

I nearly believe that, too.”

I have a different relationship with my mother and abusive partners, and I remember how resentful I felt of her because of the situations it put us in. I just really empathized with Leon saying that he nearly believes that, too. But it’s really great that his mom is aware, and is trying to get better, especially with Richie coming home.

Michaela: Leon actually knows what he’s doing and how best to comfort someone who is having not only a panic attack but also a traumatic flashback which is just amazing honestly. So, so many people don’t know what to do in those situations. Just being aware of your past experiences and that the people you love also have past traumas can save relationships and help people. Leon and Tiffy were exactly what the other needed at exactly the right time and it allowed them to open up and grow together in a healthy way.

I think it shows just how well written these scenes and this book are. One of us has experienced abusive partners and one of us hasn't and yet we both could feel just how upset and scared Tiffy was. We could both understand the trauma and relate to Tiffy and Leon. I think it’s beautifully written while still showing exactly what those flashbacks were like. I really appreciate this book for being so honest about not only Tiffy’s emotional abuse and her trauma, but also just how violent Justin got, Leon’s own emotional abuse, different ways friends can help, how scary and disheartening Richie’s experiences were, and just so much more. The premise of the book may have been somewhat extraordinary circumstances but the characters and the relationships were very real and relatable.

I’ll tell you this whole last section of the book had me stressed as hell. There was no break from the stress of everything going on all on one freaking day no less. I did not put the book down a single time while reading until the very end. Book launch and a trial all at once. I loved that Tiffy got to have a talk with Richie beforehand even if it was really short. I love how they formed a whole relationship just over a couple phone calls.

Jacilyn: I totally agree, O’Leary did a really incredible and respectful job of portraying all of these traumatic and complex circumstances and emotions, and that made me connect to the characters on an even deeper level. And the supportive cast of side characters are also really well done, because they are flawed, and don’t always give Tiffy and Leon the support they’re actually in need of. In particular, I enjoyed how Holly brought back her observation from the first section of the book… that Leon let’s people walk on him like he’s a doormat. But this time she says it in some cryptic way (naturally) that meant absolutely nothing to Tiffy but everything to Leon. Holly has seen right through Leon from the beginning. What a lovely, precocious child.

I also didn’t put the book down for a second when I started reading this last chapter, especially once it got to “the day” … Richie’s appeal, and Katherin’s book release. So much was happening, everywhere, and the both of them just kept thinking about the other while trying to focus on these major events at the same time. And then of fucking COURSE Justin arrives in typical grandiose narcissistic fashion and not only steals Tiffy’s well-deserved limelight, he does it all to try to force her hand and manipulate her.

I could not believe it when I read that Leon believed that Tiffy would have accepted Justin’s proposal. He knows how abusers intimidate and manipulate and this is such a prime example, but I feel like the stress of the situation just got to him and his anxiety went through the room, jumping to the worst conclusion. Unfortunately, I was a bit less surprised by Gerty believing that Tiffy would accept the proposal. But for her to yell at her no less, Gerty has got to learn that her methods are not what’s going to be right for Tiffy when she’s experiencing this abuse and harassment.

But Tiffy, our incredibly strong, badass, independent protagonist stood up for herself against Justin. I know these aren’t real people, but you know characters are written well when your heart swells with pride at a character’s growth and victories. And not only did she stand up to Justin, she stood up for herself with Gerty and Leon, too. She had every right in the world to be upset at them for not having more faith in her.

Michaela: My heart literally dropped when Justin showed up. Tiffy and Rachel were finally getting real recognition and he just ruined all of it. What even was his long term goal? He was never actually going to marry her, he was just going to keep breaking up with her and manipulating her back. He really thought he was hot shit, clearly. I was so glad Rachel and Mo were there with her when they came off stage. I can’t imagine what he would have done to her in that darkened space back there. He was so desperate so he started to become kind of unhinged in his behavior.

I was well and truly pissed off at Leon and Gerty for believing even for one second that Tiffy would have accepted that proposal. How dare they! Even if they had doubts on the inside they should never have voiced them without confirmation first. I related to some of Gerty’s personality during this book up until that point, that crossed a major line. Leon did as well, he knew how much Tiffy worked to heal and saw first hand what Justin was like. Even Richie reacted better than Leon even though he didn’t know her half as well. I’m just so mad at them. Tiffy has grown so much throughout this book, and standing up to Justin was incredible to read. She deserved better from her closest friends.

I’m so glad that Justin’s “informant” did not end up being Rachel. I was so scared it would be her and I didn’t think I could handle it let alone how Tiffy would have handled that. Being betrayed by a friend like that would be world-ending for me honestly. But it was fucking Martin the whole time! What a complete asshat. He was definitely manipulated by Justin but he totally let his jealousy of Tiffy influence him also.

Jac: Martin was absolutely awful. What an absolute scumbag, being willing to put someone in that kind of danger. I am not convinced that he didn’t know how Justin treated Tiffy, honestly. He didn’t know everything, but I really think he picked up that the vibes weren’t quite right with what he was being asked to do. But it sounded like Martin was a damn creep too, staring at all the models during the photoshoot at the castle. Blegh.

I thoroughly enjoyed the corny 80s romcom apology that Leon did outside the flat. Like Tiffy thought, that was such a horribly un-Leon thing to do, but he obviously knew she would get a kick out of it. I’m pretty sure the crazy neighbor guy did too, and how lovely that they forged a friendship with him afterwards! I just love it, this book gave me so many fuzzies.

I was hoping that would be the end of Justin, but in the back of my head I knew he was going to come back. And of course, he would come back in the most traumatic, aggressive way possible. If he had made it into that flat, I have no doubts that he would have hurt Tiffy and Leon and probably the others as well. Imagine how terrifying that would be, and on a day that was supposed to be a celebration because Richie was coming home!!! It was fitting that he was the one to come home and take Justin down a notch, though, and I would have felt a lot safer with him there myself. Plus he was not about to let anyone take his good day away from him!

Michaela: To me it felt like some creepy stalker man bond Martin had with Justin and also the money he kept offering him I’m sure good incentive. He clearly did not care about Tiffy or what she wanted at all. Just an absolutely horrible person in so many ways.

I have so much appreciation for the absurdity of that 80s romcom scene. So good. It didn’t even seem out of place in this book somehow. It made total sense while still being ridiculous. The guy from flat 5 was great, a random character with a random personality trait. And I love him. Banana cider! Best thing ever.

I was truly terrified when Justin showed up at the flat, especially when we were all expecting Richie to walk in the door. My mouth literally dropped open. I really thought the book launch was the last we would see of Justin and we would just have a restraining order scene or something. He was so dangerous that he was even dangerous to himself. Literally terrifying, I cannot imagine experiencing that. Richie showing up and being a solid presence was amazing! He was just a ball of joy while also being fiercely protective. Everyone was so protective of Tiffy and I filled my whole heart to see it. They all had that found family feel to their friendships and y’all know that that is my favorite thing. I was also just so relieved when Justin was finally arrested, finally contained, finally just away from Tiffy.

Then we skip to two years later! And I won’t lie, I got misty at that proposal. The notes and the beach and the hotel room. So romantic and personal and adorable. The last line of the book was something that I really relate to and have said to my husband many times in our relationship.

“It was never home until you were there, Tiffy”

That’s exactly what love has felt like to me. No matter where I am, if I’m with my husband I feel a homely comfort that I never had before being with him. I think it’s only one aspect of love but it’s a very important one for me.

Jac: I love that Tiffy and Leon got the happily ever after they deserved. And, in a way, so did Mr. Prior and Johnny White the 6th. Not necessarily what either of them would have wanted, I don’t think, but I think it was important closure for the both of them. And it was so special that Leon proposed to Tiffy on the same beach where she jumped into the ocean with Mr. White, and then meeting her in the same room they shared at the inn?! It was so precious.

I think it’s safe to say that this book was a hit for us. We both had troubles waiting between discussions to keep reading because we were so engrossed and wanted to know what happened next. Such lovely characters to spend time with. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did! See you next time.


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