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Trail of Lightning: Discussion #1

Updated: Feb 1, 2021

This week we are discussing Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse, Chapters 1-13.

Spoiler Warning!!! This post is full of spoilers for Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse.

Trigger/Content Warning!!! This book has scenes of and discussion such themes as: Violence, Gore, Supernatural Creatures, PTSD, panic attacks, blood, murder, death, and emotional abuse.

Discussion #1:

Michaela: Hello friends and welcome to our first discussion of Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse. We chose this book originally to do around Native American Heritage Day in November but we ended up taking a small break from posting. But I am so excited to dive head first into this new apocalyptic world. I really enjoy learning about different Indigenous cultures and this will be the first fiction book I’ve read by a Indigenous author. I’m very excited to read a book set in a world and a culture that I don’t know a lot about. I am also excited that this is a dystopian novel but also has supernatural elements to it, you know that is my jam.

Jacilyn: The story starts off running with a whole lot of action, too. I have to say, I wasn’t really endeared towards Maggie right away at all. I’ve read plenty of books that have main characters that aren’t exactly savory, but there was something about telling a grieving family that their payment wasn’t enough that rubbed me the wrong way. But the more I read, the more I realized that these instances that make me uncomfortable with Maggie’s character are necessary for her character development. We’re slowly being given more context into the world and characters as we read, so things that confused me or surprised me start to make more sense. For example, I wasn’t immediately clear on the references to the “new coastline” or the Wall were, but then the book mentions the war, the Big Water, the social unrest, and all the puzzle pieces kind of fall into place. I’m feeling the same way about Maggie’s character as we read.

Michaela: I actually really liked Maggie right away, despite her crassness. I’m not sure why yet but I definitely can feel some sort of connection to her in some way. I liked learning more about her and why she is the way she is. The book starts off quite violently and it sets the tone of how dangerous and unforgiving this world is going to be. I was super confused by the mentions of the Wall, new coastline, the Big Water, all of it. I was so confused but I actually really liked just being thrown into the world without too much explanation because it feels like we’re just following Maggie on this journey instead of her telling me a story and having to stop and explain things to me. They make a lot of references to our society in current times so I can’t tell how far in the future this takes place and that I wish I did have more details on. They mention a poster that says 2030, I believe, and that is the most information we really have on that. I’m sure we’ll learn more as the story continues though. I also would like more context on why Maggie is so hated and avoided by people in Dinétah, it gets touched on but there’s been no real solid explanation yet which I think is different from most books I’ve read before. I feel like many times books tend to explain to the reader why a character is liked or disliked so much really early on and I am just really enjoying how this book moves on really naturally without having to stop and say “hey here’s what this is” or “this is how this works”.

Jacilyn: I agree that it’s really enjoyable to read a book written this way, but I don’t think it would work for all stories. It fits for this story really well. It kind of feels like we’re just moving through time exactly as Maggie is, experiencing her flashbacks and memories. Which can throw you for a loop at first, I think. There’s not much to delineate between present-tense and Maggie looking back on Black Mesa, for example. But it feels very natural to realize what is happening as you read, probably like Maggie would while her mind wanders.

I’m very very curious how far in the future Maggie’s world is. The issues preceding and following the Big Water are mirrored in our world as it is right now. Monopolies on resources, multinational privatized armies, civil and social unrest, climate crises…. None of it seems far off.

From what I have gleaned so far, it seems like Maggie’s K’aahanáanii connection and resulting clan powers are the main source of the discomfort and sometimes outright hostility shown towards her. “Living Arrow,” the source of that bloodlust and battle frenzy. Maggie seems to fight against that power herself, sometimes, and it’s clear that it’s not something she can call on and dismiss as she pleases. I think this inspires fear and disgust in others and herself. Including, coincidentally, Neizghání, who is a whole ass immortal being of legend who exists to do what he taught Maggie to do - slay monsters.

Michaela: I agree. This way of storytelling would not work for all stories. But for Maggie and the way this author writes it fits perfectly. The flashbacks and memories happen suddenly sometimes just like they would in your own head. I like it a lot.

Maggie’s K’aahanáanii clan connection is the only stated reasoning for the people’s dislike of her but I feel like there must be a little more to it that we just don’t know yet. I’m also curious if the K’aahanáanii clan as a whole was also alienated as Maggie is or if it is more recent or Maggie’s specific clans put together that have that effect on people. Also, is her clan connections why she was chosen to be the monsterslayer’s apprentice? We don’t really know why she is the apprentice yet, not really, we can make an educated guess but it hasn’t really been talked about yet.

I am super here for the concept of Gods, heroes, and legends coming back to Earth and just existing among “the five-fingered”. Another of my favorite story concepts. So far I don’t know how I feel about Neizghání, I feel like there’s something about him that isn’t all “hero monsterslayer”. I feel the same thing with the trickster god Coyote, or Ma’ii, as Maggie calls him. Since we’ve met him now you can kind of tell there is some potential kindness under his trickster god shell. I think most trickster gods are seen as being evil by nature but I think Ma’ii might not be so one sided. Especially considering how in this world “evil” is an infection that you can’t fight but it seems like Maggie is fighting it successfully so far.

Jacilyn: I definitely think there’s something more to Neizghání than Maggie’s perceptions of him. Ma’ii tells her “The sad truth you do not wish to face, Magdalena, is that sometimes the ones we call our heroes are the greatest monsters of all” and I can’t shake the feeling that he was referring to Neizghání. And then the trace of lightning Maggie felt when her and Kai were in Crownpoint - when they first arrived in town, Maggie described the entire place as burned. Was Neizghání the one who destroyed the town himself, not actually in the act of fighting the monster terrorizing Crownpoint? And whatever happened on Black Mesa, there has to be more to it than Maggie’s recollection. It’s so vague. Why did Neizghání leave?

I do really enjoy Ma’ii. The thought of Coyote peeking his head out of Maggie’s curtains is so funny to me. It’s such a human-like gesture. Maggie says that Ma’ii’s chosen physical appearance is cruel, a “white man’s frontier dandy,” eliciting memories of abuse from the Long Walk all that time ago. But the clothing reminds me of a flamboyant jester too, which is of course the perfect style for a trickster god. It’s clear to me that Ma’ii harbors friendly feelings towards Maggie, but there’s still ulterior motives somewhere, I’m sure.

The way Kai interacts with Ma’ii is great. Absolutely no hesitation, confident and charming. I absolutely love his character. He’s even growing on Maggie - he’s just too damn charming. If Maggie let them, I have a feeling Ma’ii and Kai could gab the whole night away. There’s clearly something more going on with Kai too, though. While I believe that Tah was trying to play matchmaker, I think he knows there’s something special about Kai, just like there’s something special about Maggie. Those silver eyes of his, which appeared in Maggie’s dream. He can see the Ch'į́įdii. And I believe him when he says he can protect himself without a gun.

Michaela: I am half convinced that it’s possible Neizghání was talking about himself in reference to evil being infectious. Like maybe he’s infected with evil and decided to give in or couldn’t fight it anymore. What if the monster of Crownpoint was Neizghání himself! Probably not but I still don’t trust him, especially considering how everyone seems to fully accept how good and amazing he is, I just know he isn’t what people think.

So far Ma’ii is one of my top favorite characters in this book. Tricksters are fascinating to me in any story but since I don’t know anything about this god I’m very intrigued. I think Ma’ii does have ulterior motives, but I also think pretty much everyone we’ve met so far does too. I don’t think anyone is telling the full truth to anyone yet. Also, Maggie talks about how Ma’ii visited her in dreams a long time ago and that’s how they first met but then all he did was tell stories about himself. Why did he visit her? Why does he continue to do so? It has to be more than her powers we know of so far. I think she might have more powers than she knows. And I actually think the same of Kai’s abilities, I think there’s more to both of their powers than they realize.

Kai and Ma’ii are a dynamic duo, I love them. If we could throw in some Grandpa Tah with them, they would be an unstoppable trio of jolly sass and wit. At first I really did not trust Kai, for the same reasons Maggie didn’t, he seemed like a straight up douchebag for the first 30 seconds of meeting him. But thank god he got better. I’m really enjoying the relationship between him and Maggie so far. I’m also really into the female lead of the story being the character with dangerous powers, I feel like most often it's the male lead who has mysterious dangerous powers and is always like “I can’t tell you but I’m dangerous...don’t ask questions”. Whereas Maggie, and Kai as well, are fairly open about their abilities and the complications that come along with them. They don’t say everything but they do continue to share as they trust each other more. So far Kai doesn’t seem phased by any of Maggie’s powers or her personality. Whether he’s just isn’t phased or he pretends not to be, I think it’s really good for Maggie to finally be around someone, besides Grandpa Tah, who accepts her and is kind to her. I just love them together.

Also, Grandpa Tah is the most precious human and should be protected at all costs. And at the opposite end of that, the only character I hate so far, Longarm…throw the whole man away...into the deepest part of the ocean. Hate him. Talk about toxic masculinity and police brutality.

Jacilyn: I can literally imagine Maggie walking into the hogan, seeing Tah, Kai, and Ma’ii, and turning around to walk right back out again. I definitely think there’s something extra special about Maggie. She’s attracting all of these gods and heroes in various forms, and can’t seem to escape trouble if she tried. I think you’re right. Tah is basically the only person who Maggie lets near, and you can tell that she desperately misses the love and companionship. I don’t think she thinks she deserves it, though. There’s obviously going to be some sort of love interest thing with her and Kai, and I can see her own self-hatred getting in the way of that. They did click pretty quickly, though, all things considered.

Longarm is an asshole and makes me very curious about government and law in Dinétah and the world outside the Wall, also. It seems like the Law Dogs are just a band of bullies, which isn’t too far a jump from what we have going on right now, to be honest, though the Law Dogs are clearly less organized. I’d read a whole history of this world, actually. I know we’ll learn more as we read but my curiosity is making me impatient!

Speaking of the Wall, I loved the story of how it came to exist and how each part of the wall is made out of a different material. It sounds breathtaking.

Michaela: Exactly, the fact that more than one god or hero chose her. We’re definitely going to learn more about Maggie and how important she is. I agree about Maggie and companionship. I think Neizghání abandoning her so suddenly and fully has really scarred her. I think it will take her a while to trust Kai in a romantic way but to also get past her own self-doubt and self-hatred. So far I think they would be a good match but we’ll have to see how it goes.

I agree about the Law Dogs. They don’t seem very organized at all but maybe it’s also just Longarm and his sidekick that aren’t organized. There is an actual organization at least because Kai talks about them. But I don’t think, even in an apocalypse, we can escape or ignore the flaws in an American justice system, which the Law Dogs seem to be following that same format. Longarm is clearly threatened by how strong and smart Maggie is as a woman (can we talk about how she rigged her Chevy to run on hooch? Brilliant) and how much she does not care about him, and he can’t stand it. I can assume he constantly searches her out to arrest her or harass her whenever she’s in town.

I am so impatient to learn more about everything! I still like how the book gives it all to us in small bits but at the same time...tell me more, tell me more! The world beyond the Wall sounds so messed up. Energy Wars, New Denver, civil unrest, Exalted Mormon Kingdom. What is even happening out there?! It sounds like actual chaos.

Jacilyn: I want to know how old her Chevy really is. She said it was from the 70s, and they’re at least 60 years beyond that at this point. Not only is it still (mostly) running, it runs on hooch. Brilliant.

I’m wondering if Ma’ii’s request of Maggie is going to have anything to do with her and Kai’s search for who/what created the tsé naayéé. I can see him having information that will help them, and making Maggie a deal. There’s apparently some Big Bad that is creating monsters, with the help of some sort of relic. It sounds like it might be some sort of witchcraft, but that isn’t 100% clear yet. I think it’s safe to say it’s tied to the oral histories of the Diné.

Michaela: I can totally see Ma’ii knowing something about the tsé naayéé and who created it but then not wanting to just give Maggie the answer. He would make her work for it for sure. I think Maggie and Tah seem to be pretty convinced it's someone practicing bad witchcraft for some reason. I don’t know what this witch would be trying to gain or achieve by stealing people from towns and having the monster chew on them (*full body shivers*). It has to be another legend or story passed down, I really hope we get to hear more of those from Kai’s recorded oral histories and Ma’ii. I also think the next monster we meet is going to be more gross than the last one and I can’t say I’m excited about that one but I am excited to see if we meet Níłch’i, who is another god. I would like to see how different each god/legend is from each other.

Jac: I’m sure Níłch’i will be the next stop! I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here!

What do you think of Maggie? Is Neizghání kind of sus? Who do you think would win in a game of wits, Kai or Ma’ii? Let us know, and we’ll see you next week!


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